The aim of this study is to find out how the Physical Education of Sport And Health teacher at the State Elementary School in Mukomuko District Mukomuko in planning, implementing, and evaluating learning activities in accordance to the curriculum 2013. This research is a qualitative research. The population of this research is the teacher of Physical Education of Sport And Health at the State Elementary School in Mukomuko which is registered in academic year 2016/2017, and they implement the Curriculum 2013 totaling 7 people. The sampling technique of this research is total sampling. Instrument to obtain data that is used in Semi-structured Interview that give question to responden more openly. Analysis data techniques used are reduction techniques, display, and data verification. Planning of learning activities conducted by the teacher from preparing RPP, syllabus, mastering the teaching materials, and completing the material as a book. RPP and syllabus is prepared by teachers in KKGO activities conducted every month. But there are some teachers who use RPP in the previous school year by updating the delivery method and not deviating from the curriculum. Implementation of learning activities are conducted by Physical Education of Sport And Health teacher with classroom management, learning strategies, and the use of teaching media. In the use of teacher strategy of Physical Education of Sport And Health is still glued by the commonly used methods of lectures and practices. Evaluation of Learning Activities are conducted by teacher of Physical Education of Sport And Health at public elementary school in the sub-district of Mukomuko by preparing the first KI and KD in the RPP. The assessment uses three predetermined aspects, namely attitude, knowledge, and skills. However, there are Physical Education of Sport And Health teacher who still use aspects of assessment based on KTSP that are cognitive, affective, and psychomotor.

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