Pengembangan E-MODUL Fisika Dasar untuk Pembelajaran Online Berbasis Android Mobile


Rindi Wulandari


WHO (The World Health Organization) has declared Covid-19 a pandemic that has posed a contemporary threat to humans. This pandemic has succeeded in making mass decommissioning of activities, including activities in the field of education, this has led to a massive transition in the world of higher education to promote online education. Module is one of the teaching materials that can be used in learning and can support the effectiveness of the learning process. The purpose of this research is to create basic physics e-modules in order to access learning materials easily, efficiently, and fun based on android. This stage of research is preliminary study, desaign development, and testing. The results of this study in the form of e-modules and feasibility test surveys on a limited scale, e-modules that have been made show a fairly good feasibility results.


How to Cite
Wulandari, R. (2021). Pengembangan E-MODUL Fisika Dasar untuk Pembelajaran Online Berbasis Android Mobile. PAKAR Pendidikan, 18(2), 57-63.

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