PAKAR (Penelitian Aktual dan Kajian Analisis Reformasi) Pendidikan: p-ISSN: 1693-2226; e-ISSN: 2303-2219 is a national journal published by The Center of Research and Scientific Development of Students at the Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia. This journal discusses and raises various issues related to educational issues including theory, concepts, and practices related to curriculum, media, models, instruments, development, and evaluation of and action research. Articles will be published if they are scientifically valuable, provide new knowledge, and are useful for the education community. This journal is published twice a year, published in January and July. We were inviting scientists, researchers, and professionals in education to submit their papers to our journal. Pakar Journal of Education-PAKAR Pendidikan is currently indexed on Google Scholar, Garuda (Garda Rujukan Digital), Indonesia Onesearch, Bielefeld Academic Seach Engine, PKP Indeks, Cite Factor Academic Scientific Journals, Directory of Research Journal Indexing, Crossref, Dimension.

Publish: The Center of Research and Development of Students (PPIPM UNP)


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Vol 23 No 1 (2025): Published in January 2025

Published: 2025-01-18

Teacher Perceptions of the Implementation of Merdeka Belajar Curriculum at SMA Negeri 3 Padang

Syifa Afifah, Zuwirna Zuwirna, Mutiara Felicita Amsal, Rahmi Pratiwi, Aura Syfa Fitriani, Zaqiya Zahwa Alifa


Realistic Mathematics: Application in Mathematical Literacy in Junior High Schools

Lintang Darmastuti, Wardani Rahayu, Meiliasari Meiliasari


Influence of Perkalian Game Suit on Numeration Skills of V-Class Students of SD State Sokoharjo

Laila Miftakhul Atikhah, Rintis Rizkia Pangestika, Nur Ngazizah


Analysis of Pre-Service Biology Teachers' Assessment Skills in Preparation of Assessment Planning and Assessment Instruments: A Descriptive Study in Higher Education

Muthiah Khairunisa Zulhakim, Caesaria Yuliana, Arosyid Wahyu Nugroho, Reza Arisyi, Cepi Ciptarsa, Umu Sulaimah, Muhamad Hasbi Asshiddiqi, Adi Septianto, Somariah Fitriani


Integration of Theology and Science and Technology: Transforming Islamic Education Towards the Golden Generation of 2045

Nagita Histimuna Aisyah, Nazih Sadatul Kahfi, Siti Ma'rufatun Nisa, Shodiq Shodiq, Abdurrahman Mas'ud


Exploring Student Morality in Policy Non-Expulsion: Implementation of Merdeka Curriculum in Indonesia

Dwi Susanti, Yesi Airohmah, Mahreshaibati Bilqis Ikramina, Deva Rizkia Fitriana, David Maulana Ghufron, Abdul Rahman


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